Time to get in touch with your 'inner succeeder'
Looking for career guidance? Want to know how to get your boss's job and, more importantly, her salary? Then listen to some good advice. But take it all with a pinch of salt until you've heard the legendary, the life-changing and high-charging L Vaughan Spencer. The Guardian. read article
Laughing all the way to the bank
In his tangerine suit, gold waistcoat and pony-tail, L-Vo was dressed to impress. "I'm the impresario of your best-case scenario," he told a delighted crowd. "I'm the Che Guevara of change, the shaman for the lay-man, your tutor for the future.". Financial Times. read article
A new guru takes center stage
To this world of cynical, world-weary salesmanship and snake-oil, it is something of a relief to welcome L Vaughan Spencer. Mr Spencer is the first of a new breed: the honest guru, someone who unashamedly tells it as it is. His world is that of personal enlightenment and self-development. We can be what we want to be. Helpfully, he also promises financial success. The Times. read article
Release your Inner Succeeder
These days, the motivational speaker circuit is jam-packed with runners and riders, all jostling for position. But who are these people at the sharp end of the motivation game? Those who actually do it for a living rather than as an after-dinner speaking moonlighter? Management Today. read article
Full of Mullarkey
L-Vo believes strongly in the metrosexual approach to business success: "If you have the right moisturizer, then you're guaranteed success. Fast Company. read article
L Vaughan Spencer's self-help tips
We asked L Vaughan Spencer,self-help guru and gangsta motivator, to share his tips on how to realise your true potential..."
Time Out. read article
And today I’m a succeeder!
The character of Vaughan was so well rounded, so absolutely full of self-confidence, that it easily lasted the act. Mullarkey’s interaction with the audience was natural and assured... But Mullarkey took this character much further through his use of rap poetry – "poetry in motivation" – that peppered the act. The mileage that he wrung just from the word “succeed” astounds me. The more he used it, the funnier it got... Jersey Insight. read article